Part of a Whole: 1/2
March 6th - March 29th
The Dayton Society of Artists (DSA) is pleased to present PART OF A WHOLE: 1/2, the first installment of its two-part annual members' exhibition. Open to all DSA members in good standing, this exhibition showcases a diverse range of mediums, techniques, and styles. While all members were guaranteed at least one piece in the show, special prizes have been juried by past DSA president and Sinclair professor, Bridgette Bogle.
Participating Artists:
Allyson Mushovic Shank, Annica Damico, Ariel White, Bill Franz, Bob Coates, Bruce Campbell, Carol McNeeley, Carol O'Neal, Charles Booker, Cindy Callahan, Dave Crowell, Don Miceli, Edd McGatha, Emily von Stuckrad-Smolinski, Frank Trick, Gae Helton, James Claffey, Jeanne Fehskens, Jesper Beckholt, Jim McCoullough, Joanne Jannetta, John Rausch, Judd Plattenburg, Kate Huser Santucci, Katherine Harris, Kathleen Caffrey, Katie Timko, Kim Ceccarelli, Linda Hart, Linnea Albers, M. Todd Muskopf, Maria Ann McGinnis, Mark Echtner, Mark Freytag, Merrel Jones, Michael Surber, Michelle Brandt, Nancy Dankof, Renee Hopson, Rhonda Duncalf, Roberta Tresslar, Ron Wilson, Roxann Tulledge Patrick, Roxanne Grooms, Sally A. Struthers, Samantha Wott/S.Wolf, Scotty Davis, Seamus Martin, Tami Beale, Yufeng Wang